Friday, December 15, 2023
Every GOP senator voted no this week on a supplemental funding bill that included money for Ukraine. The vote, which failed 49-51, required 60 supporters in order to pass. Republicans voting no mainly argued that they wanted the Biden administration to make concessions regarding US border policies before they would consider supporting the spending bill.
Bernie Sanders also voted against the measure, which included funding for Israel, arguing that the US shouldn't be giving money to the Israeli government "with no strings attached."
In fact, it seems likely that, eventually, the measure will pass and that aid to both Ukraine and Israel will continue. At the same time, however, the vote points to a worrying trend regarding the evolution of American thinking regarding the Russia-Ukraine war.
In the words of a Washington Post piece discussing the vote:
While there was broad bipartisan support for Ukraine after Russia invaded in February 2022 — as well as widespread public displays of support for Ukraine — interest in the war among the American public has waned considerably, especially as it has ground to a stalemate with no clear end.
An Economist-YouGov poll released late last month found that 22 percent of Americans favored increasing military aid to Ukraine, 28 percent favored decreasing it and 27 percent wanted to maintain the same amount.
I can't say I'm surprised. Indeed, I predicted something like this back in February of 2022, just a few days after Russia attacked Ukraine, writing that "I wouldn't be at all surprised if the future involvement of the US in NATO, and the scale of the involvement, were to become campaign issues this fall, and in 2024."
Americans can't be counted on to support anything universally anymore, and maybe that's not such a bad thing. After all, post-9/11 there was an unusually large amount of political unity in the United States, and where did that lead us? More than 70% of Americans supported the war in Iraq in March of 2003.
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American support for Iraq War, March 2003 |
And people (like me) who support the US continuing to arm Ukraine need to make a clearer case for why this is necessary. Right now there's too much preening and pandering on social media, and not enough honest discussion regarding where US interests lie with respect to the Russia-Ukraine war.
For starters, advocates of arming Ukraine need to articulate that they support doing so out of a concern with American interests, not specifically Ukrainian ones. While I feel as much sympathy for Ukrainians as anybody else, it's not the job of the US president to protect them. Instead, it's the US president's responsibility to protect Americans and the interests of the United States. A lot of well-meaning words have been written, primarily by American academic specialists on the region, which focus upon what the world owes Ukraine. In many ways, I'm sympathetic to these arguments, but they're not going to change the minds of Americans who wonder, justifiably, why the US is sending billions of dollars to Ukraine when that money could be spent here.
Twice in the 20th century the US was drawn into conflicts that would have ended much sooner had the US been more involved from the beginning.
And then there's this: as cynical as this might sound, Ukraine doesn't need to necessarily defeat Russia for US interests to be advanced. For as long as the Russian Army is pinned down and bleeding out in eastern Ukraine, the European Union and United States will benefit. Vladimir Putin has made an historically significant blunder in attacking Ukraine, one that has significantly degraded Russia's pre-war armed forces. Why on earth should we let him off the hook?
The hope, of course, is that Ukraine wins the war and defeats Russia, but simply offering continued resistance to Russia--and keeping the Russian Army occupied--is a far better alternative than allowing Vladimir Putin to emerge from his war of choice with a "victory" in the form of territory in eastern Ukraine and possible regime change in Kyiv. For as long as the Ukrainians are willing to fight, we should help them.
Just as the United States was right to arm the Afghans who were resisting Soviet occupation in the 1980s, it makes sense for the US and its allies to help Ukrainians fight the Russians. And yes, I do realize that the mujahideen the US supported ended up morphing into the Taliban--but arming them in the 80s in an effort to keep the Red Army occupied was still the right thing to do. The mistake that the US made, years later, was in allowing the Taliban to host Osama bin Laden and then, after 9/11, trying to occupy Afghanistan following the rout of the Taliban forces in 2001-2002.
Russia-Ukraine Notes: Early October Edition
All Crimea/Ukraine posts since 2008
Re Russia-Ukraine: Changes Coming?
Back and Forth in the Quagmire
A "Mission Accomplished" Moment?
More Thoughts Re Ukraine and NATO
Looking for the Long-Term in Putin's Moves
Moscow Recognizes Two Breakaway Republics: Why do this?
The Monroe Doctrine, Putin, and Post-Soviet Space: Don't Muddy the Waters
South Ossetia and the Fate of the 'Mini-Republics' (from 2008)
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